Monday, February 3, 2025

Jim Meirose, Pork

Digital Bricolage
Daniel Y. Harris 



We’re not doctors no no no I’m not a doctor I’m a malnutritionist {pork} NO I’m not a doctor I’m a beelzabbubblian knight-fly off some “bugNO {pork} I’m not a doctor I’m a heavyweight champion NO I’m {pork} not a doctor I’m a Friendship 7 {Carmen Basilio} NO I’m not {pork} a doctor I’m a deep deep greenslimed pool NO I’m not a {pork} doctor I’m a boiling soup of hypermanic boiled-down natural chemicals, commonly found in every single mammal, and here and there in a “double mammal”, Daddy, tooNO I’m not a doctor {pork} I’m a bicycle. NO I’m not a doctor I’m {pork} a heinous felony NO I’m not a doctor I’m a {pork} really bad person. NO I’m not a doctor, too, but I’m the really {pork} bad person ‘round these parts darned tootin Oh yah? YEA YAH {blowed-out de la topto}! Ann-Nondo! Hey there! Hey there!! Annie Nondo, NO!! I’m not a doctor just a set of shiny {pork} new razor sharp Safety-Firsttm Indonesian-made by “union labor” sheap sheers, SO; {pork}There lies Top-mayor, rod-straight on their back, stunned {Psst maybe more than just stunned, but we had to say “something” }. But, {pork} most probably recoverable given the right time. Getting knocked {pork} out was bad at the time, but will wind up being all for the best {pork} [‘s this old-age of a human half-wrinkled out already but within mil spec tolerances of the ideal age to take pain {.or.} [ They said so!] ] {….} B’, it’s just what the “doctor” ordered.               {….sigh….}

—Jim Meirose

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Jim Meirose, Floor to walk on, Pupa?


Digital Bricolage
Daniel Y. Harris

Floor to walk on, Pupa?                                             

Where is my Mother out come from Future or not, the unit would press on. The only future it cared about was the next split-instant. And the next. And the next. come over And the next and the next and the next. come over yes come over yes here’s a {two-celled}   comforting floo {scuttle}  r to walk on when {pupa}   everything is gone then there’ [[This way’s a road to “Nothingvilletmha ha ha ha]] s not {three-celled} hing more to pa{pupa}  {larvae} y here is a pillowy floor to w {larvae} alk on when everything’s gone now there’s nothing mo {single-celled}  re to pay {egg} co{three-celled} me on here’s a cushy floor to walk o {scuttle}  n wh{pupa}  en nothi {emb {four}  ryo} ng’s left then there’s yes nothing more to pay welcome welcome here’{lar {thr yes ee-celled} vae} s a silky smooth floor to walk on when eve {larvae} ry Where is my Mother out come from th {two-celled}  ing {pupa}  ’s gone now there’s nothing more to pay here is a warm and coz {scuttle}  y floor to walk on when everything is gone then {two-celled}   there’s nothing more to pay here’s a ric {egg} h {pupa}  soft carpeted fl {embryo} oor to walk on when nothing //hing more to pa{pupa} //’s left now there’s nothin {three-celled} g more to “pay” come on an {single-celled}  d {larvae} come over here’s an easy welcomi {p{embryo} upa}  ng flo {egg} or to walk on when everything {three-c yes elled}  is gone then there’s  {four}  nothing more to pay {single-celled}  this way” he {two-celled}  re hurry this way{larvae}  here right o or so you thought nto this gently sloping road to walk on when everyt {four}  hing’s gone now there’s nothing more to pay here is an Where is my Mother out come from e {larvae} asy road {pupa}   t {egg} o wander when everything is gon {scuttle}  e then there’s nothing more to pay here is a pillowy floor to walk on when everythi {two-celled}  ng’s gone now there’s not {larvae} hing mor  {embryo} e to pay {three-celled}  this way’s a road to “Nothingvilletm” to freely tr{single-celle {four} d}  avel whe {pupa}  n nothing’s left then the {larvae} re’s nothing more to pay here is a silky smooth floor to walk on when e{egg} verything’s gone now there’s nothing mor {embryo} e to{scuttle}   //hing more to pa{pupa} //  pay here is a warm  {two-celled}  and cozy floor{four}  to walk on wh{embryo} en everything is gone then there’s nothing more to pay here is a rich soft carpe{larvae} ted floor to walk yes on when nothing’s lef  or so you thought t n {three-celled} ow there’s nothing more to pay here is {egg} a easy welcoming floor to walk = F here is a silky smo here is a silky smo here is a silky smo here is a silky smooth floor to walk on oth floor to walk on oth floor to walk on oth floor to walk on when e{egg} verything’s gone now there’s nothing mor {embryo} e to{scuttle}   //hing more to pa{pupa} //  pay here is a warm  {two-celled}  and cozy floor{four}  to walk on wh{embryo} en everything is gone then there’s nothing more to pay here is a rich soft carpe{larvae} ted floor to walk yes on when nothing’s lef  or so you thought t n {three-celled} ow there’s nothing more to pay here is {egg} a easy welcoming floor to walk on when e{larvae} verything is gone then there’s nothing {pupa}  more to pay her {single-celled}  e is an easy down{egg} hill{embryo}  road to walk on when ev {four} erything’s gone now there {scuttle}  ’s nothing more to pay Where is my Mother   out come from out come from so you’re the one eh eh eh  [[This way’s a road to “Nothingvilletmha ha ha ha]] so you’re the one bought the line what EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS IS RIGHT FOR YOU  I bet you  //hing more to pa{pupa} // even asked your Doctor eh eh eh eh h r  is a silky smo h r is a silky smo h r is a silky smo here is a silky smooth floor to walk on floor to walk on to walk on I bet you did (no you didn’t)  DID TOO! Ask your doctor if E or so you thought XPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS EXPERIMENT yes AL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  IS RIGHT FOR YOU  did you ask DID YOU ASK wel or so you thought l did you or not yes you did yes you did yes you did s yes you did {larvae} yes you did yes you did so h yes you did yes you did yes you EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR or so you though {pupa} t YOU  did s yes you did yes you did Wasn’t it?? yes you did so here you go eat this up eat this up eat this up o here you go eat this up eat thi yes s up eat this up ere or so you thought you go eat th r is a sil Where is my Mother out come from ky x smo h r is a silky smo h r  is a silky smooth floor to walk on floor to wa is up eat this up eat this up o here you go eat this up eat this up eat th {larvae} is up [[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS {egg}  was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]] //hing more to pa{pupa} //] [[[EXPE[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes] {pupa}]] [[[EXPERIM[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATIC or so you thought S was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]] [[[EXPE[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was R{larvae} IGHT FO{egg}  R yes YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]] [[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]]     or so you thought //hing more to pa{pupa} //

RIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought  yes]]]

ENTAL MATHEMAT yes ICS was RIGH{pupa} T FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought yes]]] Where is my Mother out come from RIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought yes]]]

//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pu//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pu//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pupa}  h ng yes m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p}

pa}  h ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p yes {p p}

 to pa{pupa}  h yes yes ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p}

pa}  h ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p} yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes  on when e{larvae} verything is gone then there’s nothing {pupa}  more to pay her {single-celled}  e is an easy down{egg} hill{embryo}  road to walk on when ev {four} erything’s gone now there {scuttle}  ’s nothing more to pay   so you’re the one eh eh eh  [[This way’s a road to “Nothingvilletmha ha ha ha]] so you’re the one bought the line what EXPERIMEN Where is my Mother TAL MATHEMATICS IS RIGHT FOR YOU  I bet you  //hing more to pa{pupa} // even asked your Doctor eh eh eh eh I bet you did (no you didn’t)  DID TOO! Ask your doctor if E or so you thought XPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS EXPERIMENT yes AL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  IS RIGHT FOR YOU  did you ask DID YOU ASK wel or so you thought l did you or not yes you did yes you did yes you did s yes you did {larvae} yes you did yes you did so h yes you did yes you did yes you EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR or so you though {pupa} t YOU  did s yes you did yes you did Wasn’t it?? yes you did so here you go eat this up eat this up eat this up o here you go eat this up eat thi yes s up eat this up ere or so you thought you g Where is my Mother out come from out come from out come from o eat this up eat this up eat this up o here you go eat this up eat this up eat th {larvae} is up [[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS {egg}  was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]] //hing more to pa{pupa} //] [[[EXPE[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes] {pupa}]] [[[EXPERIM[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATIC or so you thought S was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]] [[[EXPE[[[EXPERIMENT Where is my out come from Mother out come from AL MATHEMATICS was R{larvae} IGHT FO{egg}  R yes YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]] [[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]]     or so you thought //hing more to pa{pupa} //

RIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought  yes]]]

ENTAL MATHEMAT yes ICS was RIGH{pupa} T FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought yes]]]

RIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought yes]]] Where is my Mother

//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pu//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pu//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pupa}  h ng yes m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p}

pa}  h ng m r  to p {pu Where is my Mother out come from p } h  m r  p yes {p p}

 to pa{pupa}  h yes yes ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p}

pa}  h ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p} yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Where is my Mother

Where is my Mother out come from out come from

Where is my Mother out come from

Where is my Mother my Mother my Mother

—Jim Meirose

Monday, January 6, 2025

C22 (Vernon Frazer)

 Curtains Calling #1

Curtains Calling #2

Down the Drain #1

Down the Drain #2

Purging the Sound of a Syntactical Urge #1

Purging the Sound of a Syntactical Urge #2

Purging the Sound of a Syntactical Urge #3

Reeling in the Reeling #1

Reeling in the Reeling #2

Making the Scene
caravan headquarters creak
a tethered tremolo near the darkening
briar trampling
                        vibration shops
     epithet fright
     removed sonic perforation                     
          patrimony eyelash 
          opening the memoriam
                                      ladder removed
firebrand delicatessen
ripped hot greens like
commission rudiment
              putting bubbled ebony
        a pancreas souffle
reverb tipples
          vestries in clearance
          where capability views kneel
          to embrace perforation
nightclub quibbles
cornered galloping pitchers
                 odor duets
disconsolate scruple founders 
removed the withdrawal jubilees
darkening factotum trimming
     with broken plagiarism
     trampling torn tremolos 
              braking riffs
              mimetic to percussive rudiments
Spicing a Hunger
subgum filters travail
off wick as a sea disturbance
hammers the platter
          felt anomic flattery
          dished their entropic circle
     a low tide under hand
     with ten brocaded adjectives
             their mounting fervor act
                 (     )
on the climb
the trail wilted a currant path
          events to follow
     tantric bloodletting 
     marketing dead legends 
     chili paste jumpsuits
taste their way across the plate
Last Seen
the postgraduate slither
barbiturate pronouncements
                        a notion
                   pang free
                   sensual verbatim
the human deathbed in want goggles
           abdominal laser mesh
           assigned a synthesizer welt
           from anterior vectors 
shattering vats 
                                     easy vertebrates
          no seeking 
                           flail ideology 
                           postal cumulus
               suburban poltergeist 
          the supermarket wrapping
                                   testicular loneliness tatters
reaper calling
random load aids woodcutter
        reflexes skip arrears
               unsealed parodists intervene
                         a mayday reprimand limping to revelation
—Vernon Frazer

Sunday, January 5, 2025

C22 (Lachlan J. McDougall)

 Fire in the Sky
image by Lachlan J. McDougall

Mr Bradfield
Mr Bradfield walked into the room with a calm, collected air. He surveyed the scenes of destruction with the cold detachment of a career criminal.
“I understand there has been some work here?”
“Yes sir, a little of the top but with some room to spare.”
Well, well, well,
It’s that time of year again and we’ll all have a slice of the pie.
Mr Bradfield took of his glasses and began to clean them on his shirtsleeve.
There is something about this that feels well sinister.
I have never thought much about it myself, but I suppose for you I can make an exception. Well, well, well… Have another sherry on me, it’s about time we made it in the air.
A thousand youth burning with the intensity of a thousand suns; we might not have much time to spare.
It’s a difficult time for many of us here at the academy what with the Christmas cheer and all the so-called goodwill towards men.
Give me death, give me destruction, we will see what this world has to offer.
Colonel Greenaway could not hear the word ‘death’ uttered in his presence. He was shit-scared of the concept and would not allow a single thing to stand in the way of his immortality. But you see, the only inoculation against death is death itself.
You need a shot of live virus to build up immunity.
So get out there and put yourself in harm’s way.
Mr Bradfield was immune to hanging, electric chair, and parachuting mishaps.
Nothing short of total destruction.
We can hear the children now swaying in the wind. Another few years and we’ll have the area completely clean. We are wiping out the unbelievers with a special kind of magic. Blink and you’ll miss it. Shark skin suit we have on right now for something really special (imagine: tailing someone in a white trench coat…)
Mr Bradfield put his glasses back on and flicked the switch. The bomb went off without a hitch.
Finding the Right Words
Fetid air///swamp gas///nothing but weeds
I have something to tell you,
But I cannot find the words.
There are no words
And everything we have left is images.
Learn to talk with images and
There will never be a misunderstanding.
Except, of course, for the blind.
And they are among us.
Here and there.
No. I am not talking about the physically blind;
They can see the picture words well enough.
But your utilities,
They are being shut off.
And now there is nothing left
—Lachlan J. McDougall

Saturday, January 4, 2025

C22 (Nathan Anderson)

 Another Kingly Crown
image by Nathan Anderson

Cough//on//[up to]//Grass//[down turn]
this was a juxtaposition
reuniting with the resin
and the spectral afternoon
waking and weaving
dancing as
           I                                F
and around and around and around
and around and around and around
and around and around and around
and the
leg has
no more

Pinwheel (asterisk) (ashcan)
>>>>>>>>>>this welcome
over the {{hill
the shelter has been renewed
into the constancy
a doctor on the phone
((all alone))

Segmented [into] White
   ///////////////////////// value
   ////////////////////////  vanity
make do with splash back
     (I)     (i_i)      (I)

and all the while
and all the while
((swallowed by the whale
Sulphur [in the] office [block]
           off the sepulchre
                                ((picket fence))
::::::::::^:::::::::::::this wheelbarrow is

The Ox Hat
never with the heat and head
                   (a tape on spoken spoke)))))))))
sepia toned
This Aleph has the right idea
over (the)
over (the)
over (the)
a miracle to end the supping
                                      (ode to a square)
                    juxtaposed against
                    …………. ……...
                    this difficult machine
                    ….  ………. ……….
                    again too much to mention
                    ……. …. ……. ..  ……….
a                     gain
—Nathan Anderson

Jim Meirose, Pork

Beelzebub Digital Bricolage Daniel Y. Harris  Pork                                                                                          ...