Monday, May 2, 2022

Michael Mc Aloran, excerpt from ‘bone bite snare’


untitled, acrylic on canvas/ 80 x 100cm/ 03-‘22 
Michael Mc Aloran


(…it see none sees elsewhere it cannot…blind sees less lesser see what from…black see none of what sees less of what…cannot see less what of for a…hilt depth trace see widen never…begin what from sees less absolve…what sees absent lesser breathes of it…sees black of none till havoc see ash oceanic seen…see claim what breathe aches nothing ever…see non-see…see what what matter of it… tidal-non asks what no answer to…breathe in-breathe… see asks cannot follow it…it is nothing or…wind absence of tide sees only end…end of follow mark hollow cannot it claims none more arbitrary…withered see says what no answers to…sees left no distance right…permeates of none sees eclipse of shadow once…matter see matter says what undone to…to answer to says none distance ever… locks blood as if it too were to decide it sees…recollect what matter…oceanic nothing amber nocturne so & as if to…still breach ask of it or not of what…lung lapse of see all eye unseen…silence/ silent/ silent traces…sees what is not sought…unknows of breathes allsame…denuded eye what of the seeing of it…lacking of the lightless seen/ ever-elsewise…fragments traces nothing for tomorrow’s absent flame…/echo/ echo/ see what null…gouge of all closed wound absorb sees/ echo/ unsung...ask now of the why to the too of the why of no question other than where zero the closure eye that once where knew silently divulged as what lapse of passage play & silence weighted in the palm of the other then returning to the other & so forth as all that in-between of the what steady nothing to be in the absolute cast aside in a breath of dispel an end to what flourish yes what an end to become of it to make of it it-dreamt of finally nothing of the furthering the lessening too soon the door ajar & the jaded shadow shed left behind as if to breathe of it were to be of in an elixir of vanquished the night no further step once two/ stepped not once…)


(...filters out un-sound/ sound/ given to collapse into other than what once/ drained vocal of/ or teasement of until nothing ember-lock/ harsh round of echo-echoing/ a path never cleared across/ sound eclipse till given snap what stun alack/ eaten of till shadow formed across exposed eye/ non-said/said/ from which all said all sun/ step un-step breath violet/ a glimpse of never what was ever was before/ before in asking of/ (fade out)/ final shiv in eye of percept/ broke bones/ sound given to retrace/ trace/ seasoned from pitch bleak lightless till given night/ in vertigo snap/ all/ sound simulations gripped by breathless/ soon to dissipate/ songs of un-being/ traceless violet songs in bloom/ distillate to point of never having been/ all purpose shredded/white lung till breakage/ a shattered tongue frozen of  inept/ in echo chamber/ steel’s lament rips pulse meat flowers from given density/ on and on it/ till risen once more/claiming that it can/ what sight what sound/ not a vulture’s intricacy/ a shed of rat-black teeth in vocalise/ given to unfall unto/ bitter shards bite the eyes of sounding/ yet no lament for given loss/ white-washed wall/stare.../...ash unlock/ blind wither claim nothing lapse/ else no treasury what nothing settled breath/ unsettled/ broke catascope undue rigour/ breaks none of lapse sequential/ sound basking in sound of/ reverberate of unknown viewed from an externus/ it/ vocalised as if to/ endless streams of sound reverberating from/ surrounding ever unknown known yes or know/ no/ if quantify/ sound bile dream ejaculate of voice/ this is sunlight it/ un-sound of which the dissipating trace/ inhaled to touch nothing/ silenced once more/ coloured by corners/ blind lights/ none abounding/ sound evacuates of its own voice/ shears black/underwater skull/ prism promise of trace/ vapour lights/ excavative/ echo-echo nothing/ remaining/ shutter snap down/ escapade/ wind ice tunnel of/ dense what/ sound what/ interpretive alignment/ (says what it does not know what it knows not in silent reek of inutterable bound)/ evacuates break stone blind fed none/ subtle break/ in dead as lung/ sound wither/ scattered shrapnel tines/abandoned to silence/ still yet silences spoken of in wilt of sound/ overture of nothing claimed/ frozen in/ clasp weight lack of/ not...white ash of sound/ settling un-silenced/ silenced in/ fundamental as shit/ inconclusive/ yes or no/ it posits as if to indent/ not a trace yet in blood pierces eye’s unfold/ escapade lock/ stripped from out of echo/ glimpse in which/ knocks/ rejected by unseen un-sound/ nothing claimed/ not a step nor murmur/ none all stripped welcoming nothing more/ being nothing more in-sound/ yet utters what it can/ as if to parry/ it cannot/ so back then to utter blind/ light non-sound/ words terse/ no not fleshed it/ if it/ satiates nothing/ in bleed of lapse from until timeless/ once again...)

Stephen Bett, excerpts from Novel Lines

Ravel’s Death Mask Digital Bricolage, Daniel Y. Harris   Jean Echenoz, Ravel (closing line; trans, Linda Coverdale) [Ravel] goes back to s...