Thursday, November 2, 2023

Joshua Martin, Five Extreme Experimentalist Pieces

Under the Cobblestones, the Pranskter
image by Joshua Martin

inBOX festival [fever]
invert wIsP
       cast OuT lying sticks
                - - -
         threaded surface
         momentum           pOOl
                          , a pale strumming choral ,  drift . . .
               AiR    - - -
                    ‘whose without
                            of munitions
        gusty album                decades’   / / /
           ,,, realm          perceiving numbered
                          fusions        :      FISTS       :
          \ LaSt
                   lOOse Germanic
                              chanted     hAmBuRg   - - -   greased
          ,, PaLaCe  ,,  chalice        breaks       zing
                        zapping     /      - - -       changing
seamless                     united        torch           rapture
          [          | rumble
                                  | ]    . . .  bAnD
Buddha                rUg                 - - - reunion
                                       secluded             dumpster
     - - - reserved
                  bEAt     craft
        ,,,,                               staged
                                                  ruminations   ,,,,
good / sped / jester /
                  (((((flash)))))               token
                                   resonate                  MOLD
[first impressions
               waning     sellout     user
                                         pulse      ]    - - -  fans
           dreamily     , , ,        crashing outgrown
                     degree                           [pitch]  - - -  .

Public Invoice Grandeur
Esoteric condo making mincemeat
tempted synod dust bunny average
             = = = > COARSE
                            jungle         seasons < - - -
     journeying circular sawblade
                 [             whisker            ]
                                           (funnier apple)
((((( \ borrower papacy elbow / )))))
        WeAr & TeAr      | Too Many Logos to Burn |
>>>>> branded doom <<<<<
                        illuminating deadened marrow
                        balancing patio designed mumu
          adept patina swollen pottery grammar
          spraining church printed peachy asphalt
butcher dawdling satellite cooperation sequence island
gallant salt shaker snoring impasse wandering ruffage
                              stripped relative decline
                              populated electronic tail
                              century league of clouds
- - - \ formulaic Sunday shoehorn hands / - - -
              eAcH sideways glancing
                                          colored tear ducts
                                      revisionist        westerns
>    ‘Does it hurt to blink?????’
            > ‘Matter maintains dignity in summer’
   > “Rest assured trial by empirical functions’
                      | sNoB |   - - -   | slop bucket challenge | - - -
           sorrow        bOrrOw
                    tomorrow’s         earlobe husbandry       splint   

satin,venal,defined sentence structure worm
          the meaning undulating lilt
          feverish dress of uncovered pimple
                            [blameless,scar,wilted,signed] /
last derided disasters
weeping analyzed entrails
    (((((Mistrials))))) / (((((foolish handshake
/ scholarly milling drift \ , , , , , dissenter
                                                  tower , , , , ,
            gov’t IV beech
            typified bono VIP
            vested spit swaying
.......... TuNdRa whisper thorough crowd ..........
                  [[[[[- - - mentioned heap timed boxer
                                fork pelvic shover cupid - - - ]]]]] ,
incept walking stuck
tripwire price tag
                      thousand dollars
curtain                  / / / / / / / / / /      touring
                                                       layer / / / / / / / / / /
            disc    sssssssssshimmer
                                avenue jjjjjjjjjjury
                  WARNING                     SIGN
Solid confrontation Repute
default libation scream
                  Of PuMpKIn  : : :   ‘little remake
                                                   another’s negotiation
                                                   a sticker nude
                                                   & pompously wrestling’  : : :
          NoW  /  NouN  /  mediation recourse   , , , , ,
| re=
  BuIlT |     - - -    studio murky tank    - - -
                     dated topical
                     wither neon
                     vibrations    . . .   phoning barred
                                          roof                    plunger
                          fantasy         / / / / /
Envy Verb Page Sunken Screen    / / / / /
                                   nervous age leader
                                   trapping audience
                                   fattening cassette
                                               backwards parking lot
                                               searing parallel digressions
Window Rail Thankful Alumni Draft
sHoW tuned lOgIc rAw dArK tHuNdER
head observes last furniture grades
hairy ruling pindrop straw pIsS : :
               [ ‘take out nine sNaP sWaN
                   impossible allocated virtue
                   eras unending the CrEaK’ ] ;;;;;
        stare         InTeNsE      vapid
                   humor cruelly implanted
 (((((the rose implants the blOOm)))))
                                              , wincing phrase
                           oddly manifested
                           screwdriver promenade - - - tHo
     arranged - - -    [terrific school simile
                               ; over thought a genre smirk;] / dusted
          oFF / written mathematical sojourn \
fortnight sentence hanging as unpleasant
                        sAnD cAsTlE \ narrow smoky
                                                  paper veering
                                                        torso sack \ an
                into centimeter
                            dirt leather - - -
disposal tattoo ligament
functional clever funeral
        simplistic autonomy
        grandfather terrorism
        calendar grasshoppers
        reissued generational
        attentive panhandle - - -
                    commuted          transit
              rush                                looser
                                 fermented             excising
—Joshua Martin

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Jeff Bagato, excerpts from If You’re There

Grind 2, image by Jeff Bagato


excerpts from If You’re There
wait for it
ancient gel words
       unmold center
     coherence lack
      words made sensitive to atmosphere
              they decay
                       on contact
                 having lost tongue
     baby coo spittle
              wee wah
         nonagon clip cluster
         wait your hack
              wait for it
       tell a story or time
             fresh time repack
gel along.    a tonic
       a prophylactic medium
         against the decay of thought
     that thought thinks back
    fresh illusion
          wait your illusion
                 wait your decay
            wait for it
               repack tongue
                   repack story
             wait.           wait
                   wait for it
A Take Piece
take tooking
    a window look
                fellow nud
gabble lack dignity chosen for speed
got speed got hollow got craft
        look there
    another felt piece
        a take piece
finger loan pap later
of course.        a diction
dictated under desk pass
blown across loosely
one marble rolls
            toward another
     another looking
         another look
lapse loss
short circuit trails
        leaps loops
    a lazy moon.  a regular
            not this moon
another one we’ve
         seen before
      time doesn’t mean security
   lapse          loss
 a rare one,
              jackalope or
the bucket).
huge difference in strength
           of his ult between
           solo queue and organized team
the comets disguise
frame rate drops & stuttering
this time it’s solid
     nobody remembers those parts
            be major.
don’t know
this where
a fife might scream
leading bakes locked against tides
loss. pitch dark
sacred albumen
a toad licked
          living outside time
don’t know
         climb the beast
              heart back beat to beat
talon affiliate
             doom angel
        class align
               don’t know
sell it again
     where emergency clever
         hoop rate
                    nylon gallon
         tick on test
daylight another gleam to sip trip
            asking as if
                 dolor nag
     amygdala honesty trips over
     silly skills lean below
               tried mast
                  taller feature
     waste ground
             fant oblate fine mini quest
        allst    uck
           in the wrong places
gravity oblate
         gravity oblate bane
                  clay gash
              whist anon clag stalling
        jersey bats / black as night
                  cast  / about
         talks too long
                  wide        between (words)
              but there
        in the holes
paste gainsays leverage rewind
     maxi much blath
             told which way
         nat panner
              tan axe late pummel
     wax and will and
              make available
hoosegow placate myst
            tack doll feld piece
wheats bone tindle
             line on prone
reason mix fester band along
                folt nasty
       get back
              get back
   get back
Let’s go to the liquor store and go back to the hotel
Naze tin lik
prosit treatise melt fallow
it’s so it’s
      like that
   when we
                dream later
      foot tell
        lot bin
      loot fell
Shipment fetter past docket
nod cot lost tonsil marker
tray pape mesh fin pole
dest ot jab lok
olaf skin tot
bost hallow fot paid
     no bonus
                no tree
         no there
      no chattel
          no there
What Say
     see this say this
     this say here
                     that say there
          this say can say
               this say can wait
          have it out
                 say it out
     you see this say
             you out this say
        out out this say
     not yet
       yet this wait is
     when I say this
                say this
                      this wait
     can this wait?
            on this
                 the say is on
     what say is this
                 what said to say
                         this saying, said
                      and what said
     this way to say this saying,
            so said
                 so say
                     this way of saying
     this wait can say
             this wait can make
                         new saying
          said this wait
                  saying what
     saying what can be said
                   on this
                         to this
                             of this
                                 for this
                all this about
                    all this for
                        all this to
                            all this on
     saying about saying
                        this saying
               can be said
                        to say
—Jeff Bagato

Jim Meirose, Pork

Beelzebub Digital Bricolage Daniel Y. Harris  Pork                                                                                          ...