Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Daniel Y. Harris, excerpts from The Misprision of Agon Hack, Volume IV, The Posthuman Series

The Misprision of Agon Hack
Digital Bricolage, Daniel Y. Harris
manuscript cover for The Misprision of Agon Hack,
Volume IV, The Posthuman Series

excerpts from The Misprision of Agon
Volume IV, The Posthuman Series

ASCII code 52 = 4 

Agon Hack is no paedohebeëpheboteleiophiliac
The spigot ricochets off the unsprung trap.
               Dent inflicts—undilutes the alleged
                              respite<action android:name=
                                             SMS_RECEIVED” />. 
                              Underskin offa on ℝn except
when n = 4 or trauermusik. Agon’s last alleluias 
               forte (S-copula-P), is first slick, then sticky.

               Hypoyo—(metaphora, epiphora,
                              allotrios)—postures proximity. Clog
the bulk’s cog in a sog. Spill a shelf, ease back,
               hit the jolt. Hibernaculum’s divide
               sets Config_URL = System.AppDomain.
                              & “HellBoy.config, against
                              mammae cocks. Cast

               the pheromone’s 2 ↑↑ 2 = 2 ↑↑↑ 2 = 4=
                              /jah/—DIAPHANE. With a snake,
                                             Agon traverses Nut’s
                              body—now a forteceticelli,
               subglobose in shape, dextral,
                              globosely conic, with flattened whorls.

                              Q !AH.yye1fxo ID: 5997a0 >> 180137
                              (Qresearch 52=4) 01.27.18
               GMT+1: 19:21:01—in embryo skulls,
               sortcross progeny. Agon accrues currency.
                              One malacoda. One Los Demiurgo.
                              One Etruscan design with terracotta
                                             antefixae. One authorial
                                             unity that calcifies. 
                                                            He’s the crucial
                                                            mock faddist.

ASCII code 53 = 5 

Agon Hack’s unfixity on Nostromo—the erosion
dial in stragmatics—bioports the dolphoid
               pool. Internal and external
                              prokaryotic symbionts 
               vy for supremacy’s (x_out - x_in
< 1.code 53 = 5) f_array[i] = 1.0;
                              //pathological case. 
                              Agon plugs his termite’s
hindgut with the Markov Diophantine
               equation: (1, 2, 5), (1, 5, 13), (2, 5, 29),
               (5, 13, 194), (5, 29, 433).  

At this semidiotic point, fatum’s divine fate
is an unfelt birth’s analytic fury. (Sa, Sa,
               gl, gl)—at their exequies,
               scaipods reclaim the taut
                              rectum. Black boxes
               indicate fossil taxa. Cancelbots 
               remove aïeul from glaïeul.
Cyberotics for Synthia avers E-chromi.
CMOEA extends bipedality’s ∇θJ(θ) ≈ 5 AH
                              PĦŊƪn i=5 AH(θi)∇θ log pƢǾDžθ(θi).

               Agon extends shisha karasha—aish
nay gum nay tayo—ayna gannakeena. Key
               words: glossolalia, xenolalia, cataphasia.
               Palaso. Shdntre. Kamoyent. Pozhar.
               Iazr. Corybantia planks the prong.
The skull’s trepan—daunsinge—his dignified
                              and commodiois sacrament
                              taps a grunt lap.

               Neurotopias without a corpus
collosum—Agon’s a mandragorae
                              in a schismatrix. Extropianists
                              frame/scaffold/bolster. Release
                                             the negative spike.

ASCII code 54 = 6 

Agon Hack’s a robo sapien, here in this(H±)
               —extropics versus hedonics—adventus,
               in contrast, justus et peccator.   
               Hylozoists enframe xvbepvntns’
                              (mostrare, and even demostrare),
                                             APOCALIPSIS/Z. Stands
                                             for prosopopeia—bisclavret
stares at garulf. Neotribe homo futurus
               in the sixth cyclotomic field Q(ζ6),  
               heckle hexakosioihexekontahexaphobes.
               Lotek at play. [CUE SHOOTS CONTROLS:
                              TRIPLE HELIX CONTROLS CRUSHED
                              VIA THE EXPEDITION FRACAS.]
                                    Agon’s scrutal—his malebranca’s
            # print(‘Your Dark_wave version ‘+color.BOLD
            + flv + color.END +’. \nSupported versions
                        are – ‘ + ‘- ‘.join(reversed
                              is pure terra jurnalis. O. Canadensis
               Nelsoni are killed with a projectile point.
Agon’s contransmagnificandjewbangtantiality 
               pastes laidup’s IRECAÉLONGSEA®GÉCIDES
                              DÉBARRASSÉ. 1) אathed 2) בerces
                              3) גnzaccio 4) דstruke 5) הertain
               6) וperugia—THAT’S PROTONILECODA…  
                              “START”: DEREPRODUUX LUX
                                             “D” ON A GO RAVE.  

Definiendum strokes definiens. Estanai feathers
               hormein. Emplum aZ saRo et pAy Poictiers.
               Glocal spreads for cyborgians. DIODA
                              SONDES AT LEAST 50%
                              REDUNDANT, coffins

ASCII code 55 = 7 

Agon Hack dons a Gothic Lolita. [INTERCUT
               EXTRACT CODED AS 55 = 7]— “v”: [“f_grave
_monument”, “f_grave_stone”, “f_grave_head”].
Flesh at obtuse angles—murion,
               concrete, the verb metapherein.
               All the expert awe misleads
               the drone. BASILISKEYE.
                              Actica + Asonab > Ometh 
               ± Nonhum + Azlor + Rilaf = Paleock. 
               2n − 7 = x2 is Agon’s Ramanujan–Nagell
               equation. Spamsoc versus Ingsoc 

espouses 7 blurs: 1) flint core 2) flint axe/adze
3) flint bifacial fragment 4) limestone grinding slab
               5) limestone mano/processor
                              6) basalt pestle
                              7) disc/whorl. Bot.Api.Send
               DocumentAsync(id, pack.VillagerDie
               Image, Villager Eaten”)—steely
               in the Chthulhucene. Their anticlinal 
vertebra slop the blob. Agon rejects data
               analysis software CAQDAS, NVivo,
                              Atlas.ti and NUDIST.  

Get down, baldpoll! Footpace (descende!) 
Cobwebs in red death. Hypercorsets
               on psydolls. Agons picks the Galvanic
                              Matter Transpositor
                              and the Haemostatic Capillary
                                             Pump Earring. Regulate
               the osmotic pump’s<EntityType
               Shape EntityType=“werewolfModel.Kill
               Method” Width=“1.5” PointX=“6” Point
                              Y=“11.25” IsExpanded=
               “true” />. See Agon’s cosplay
                              with white phylactery
                              and Medico della Peste mask.

ASCII code 56 = 8 

Agon “vernier axil” Hack droplocks dent, nolore
               even alert, a few slicks. Prefixpost
               as pollute lineage—foreach (var p
               in Players.Where(x => x.DiedLastNight
                              && x.PlayerRole != IRole.Harlot
                                             & !x.DiedFromKiller)). Pick
               the infold’s SI prefix 10008, yotta (Y),
                                             with its reciprocal, yocto (y).

Alter the etch, nymphet. Kiosks slope the pragma
               sermon. Messy relata’s slow slag underpins
               Agon’s sprachskepsis. Later, scholastics
                              deaccent the sift over. In white,
                              valeur aux ténèbres. Surplus
                              brack’s let(:mutation_a)     
               (subject_a, mutation_a_node)}, coax
               back the ceno. Sequelization is raw
cursion. Crease the corners for gawkers
                              in the membrane. Datamosh
                              at work. Deposition leach organic
                              material from bone.

               Agon’s victoriandustria flatlines nostalghia.
[Ƣbʁit mi¶la], bloody crups in vinyl
                              and latex lectrons. Vampyre’s
                              teledildonics glitch
               in gem.add_runtime_dependency
               (‘regexp_parser’, ‘~> ASCII code 56 = 8’.
                              Agon and Vampyre are deleuzional.
               TRANS-determined eligible under
                              Criterion ANTI. PNEUMA TES
                              GES THUMETHATE!
                              Pisha lu-u ZAL.LU
                                             Lishanusha Lu-u Tabtu.

Stephen Bett, excerpts from Novel Lines

Ravel’s Death Mask Digital Bricolage, Daniel Y. Harris   Jean Echenoz, Ravel (closing line; trans, Linda Coverdale) [Ravel] goes back to s...