Sunday, June 2, 2024

David Roden, T-Drones

Pyramidal neuron by Prof. M. Hausser
UCL is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
The Welcomes Collection




itran vlover-d rpturd 
overwean& refract/n speculative topoi d-¬ m-diatic
emarcation 4my ambit d-ramifies wild zephanianism
as the anti encephalism culz bullient glacid geobits open
anenomic IDGcarv ancient Tstrucs/n
nunc filters
d-ific consequence/n a 0-id-al
constant mincum/f glimmer drax
ships nebulous w/ father to steal back relic/f mimmaculate hurts
gold histensities forgotten outs/n dveinous evnt & knauseate begetter
‘that emaciat-d carrot /f a leg’
hz shalmost survivust
@ 0.h lossfunct = ‘so u us-d 2 do thz better?’or u just/a self-sim rout-d-
Robotant/larval or merl-d imagin-d skywd ?
q-memen’s fingers drumm/n her chillirack
so she’ll quip negligently inLASP:
‘how could i come back withouf leaving?’
opmizeryawls xayward
luvial intelligence mention-d
back2 ditches
lin-d w/d-d they recoil
amplify concats against quiet
we’re no explainers
& even our long run futurelooped
intel fire for [theorems gala afturd last]
thepersonal warn-d w/ unreadabl memetrace dif/d-fer without
prezenz captur-d tokamak/n smoki tropics
/n contraceptive telists stars
/n the bliss/f a billionz yrs
u never caught the comets tail /f ur d-thmoan
/nto agonoasis
autonormative excison
immanent implicate
ontoid transverve
proper easy feelz
0ghost/f no-colour
ethos on ur skin
we never touch-d
so little
beyond trite-consumptive copeprompt ind-x
d-cli/n-d self-presenc/n calcite scotomas
bodice vault-d amity
analmmunity fr imaginary sums
copulative nature = self speculas wrapp-d/n
she callsit trippy refin-d/n ‘sick’/n gauche/n unkind
even asa sum feint ‘i would eatu withall’
had she been knowing/n seeking
down 2or more holes
arborence ¬[ /f me/n if ¬, then]
i persuad enough would be d-appear-d
there would still be dt stomas hz-d 2a minima
anahymen gnaw-d
@ -dge fiel2d lac-d w/ silver wet answ2er dt question
quick sense d-tect suc numanvast fingers cirumlunR racinG veg
dewy airline d-nts/n brushes
day after dramatic
day2 feel N/A shaft bury/n gnaw again
damage asa clear intent
fulfilment d-lay slowmerger aft & int the eart
u capitulate sweet sap
i-felt-d well their thought or num but their hungers
contriv-d 2pass a dress strap vid over hard stinger 
wet grasssssmellt-d
sow for  mask
rattling hz utile flens
absent nowl-d could appear so quiet
hZ pronouns tentativ-ly bloat
tan skinas dt more forward /f dt/pair stoodDIGITAL
concat-d /f tawny strong phallas strings
d-type thrown 2 wet knives between hz teeth/n unfastening hz teas tongue slug-d over
that serv-d us @ Offal Carribou
he couldn't help u lift ur for me
lup /n absentia feltur
ur ebbing new Eart d-vour-d u first
windflower vulval
holoblack chokehold
engulf ur errancy
irregular sear critic swank cold U/Acc experience
/n fleeting memory on land-d cumulus
when he comes u still consid-r/a tardy remence
u still curlzround dancing d-d
hz soft furs warm/n
knifegrav w/implodions as Wof shak ur strom
both open float w/ Paincreative Pig
ID wallow neath lunas
last relic /f fur 
gleamcoilz hand over urt
knife steaming w/
cok slice/r other
uq-call everything they will take/n hollow
overlap vult slush
verdanstanding Herd
2consequence frond isa part/f
¬/n animal
u have been unwilling 2acknowl-dge
dt temple boundther ina scizor
w/ wirefract geocolumn interlay
u can¬ erase awt
w/ incesst phrygians
playz evnt painravelz
uniwarranting every shad- /f sad
he want-d2 witness this/tetralogon  
az she writes hant for last father
burnz around her
corpse d-sir-d incapacitat
as there isa nob /n ur terminal loop [exe]
but i prefer2 domesticate suicid-s
enjoy-d asa voyeur might
listprocesses /n sand
u conc-d- it imbues this
I=overford[8 time immers-d]
post-life/z an isomorph/n melt
she cooks/n flash freez-
rocks chateaunoir
glows/n specs/nEve
unerblAU LAMPS convolve-dsmoothas hood
reoccupy d-ep
data/plane samplethrongs
Dt [¬ All]
plac some indrawz ineff-d
forget u can¬ dare¬
SO lovectrl ucult-d
D-flesh occulat-d
mimmaculate befor she clutch-d ur leg
i sample fearful no-blam
water curls
round Ble
ferries disgorg w/ harbour burn
blue gloss-d/n parergonal
still u don’t turn2/widr d-fram
even though lgica is rive/n
i stammer wildly 
—David Roden

Jim Meirose, Pork

Beelzebub Digital Bricolage Daniel Y. Harris  Pork                                                                                          ...