Sunday, February 2, 2025

Jim Meirose, Floor to walk on, Pupa?


Digital Bricolage
Daniel Y. Harris

Floor to walk on, Pupa?                                             

Where is my Mother out come from Future or not, the unit would press on. The only future it cared about was the next split-instant. And the next. And the next. come over And the next and the next and the next. come over yes come over yes here’s a {two-celled}   comforting floo {scuttle}  r to walk on when {pupa}   everything is gone then there’ [[This way’s a road to “Nothingvilletmha ha ha ha]] s not {three-celled} hing more to pa{pupa}  {larvae} y here is a pillowy floor to w {larvae} alk on when everything’s gone now there’s nothing mo {single-celled}  re to pay {egg} co{three-celled} me on here’s a cushy floor to walk o {scuttle}  n wh{pupa}  en nothi {emb {four}  ryo} ng’s left then there’s yes nothing more to pay welcome welcome here’{lar {thr yes ee-celled} vae} s a silky smooth floor to walk on when eve {larvae} ry Where is my Mother out come from th {two-celled}  ing {pupa}  ’s gone now there’s nothing more to pay here is a warm and coz {scuttle}  y floor to walk on when everything is gone then {two-celled}   there’s nothing more to pay here’s a ric {egg} h {pupa}  soft carpeted fl {embryo} oor to walk on when nothing //hing more to pa{pupa} //’s left now there’s nothin {three-celled} g more to “pay” come on an {single-celled}  d {larvae} come over here’s an easy welcomi {p{embryo} upa}  ng flo {egg} or to walk on when everything {three-c yes elled}  is gone then there’s  {four}  nothing more to pay {single-celled}  this way” he {two-celled}  re hurry this way{larvae}  here right o or so you thought nto this gently sloping road to walk on when everyt {four}  hing’s gone now there’s nothing more to pay here is an Where is my Mother out come from e {larvae} asy road {pupa}   t {egg} o wander when everything is gon {scuttle}  e then there’s nothing more to pay here is a pillowy floor to walk on when everythi {two-celled}  ng’s gone now there’s not {larvae} hing mor  {embryo} e to pay {three-celled}  this way’s a road to “Nothingvilletm” to freely tr{single-celle {four} d}  avel whe {pupa}  n nothing’s left then the {larvae} re’s nothing more to pay here is a silky smooth floor to walk on when e{egg} verything’s gone now there’s nothing mor {embryo} e to{scuttle}   //hing more to pa{pupa} //  pay here is a warm  {two-celled}  and cozy floor{four}  to walk on wh{embryo} en everything is gone then there’s nothing more to pay here is a rich soft carpe{larvae} ted floor to walk yes on when nothing’s lef  or so you thought t n {three-celled} ow there’s nothing more to pay here is {egg} a easy welcoming floor to walk = F here is a silky smo here is a silky smo here is a silky smo here is a silky smooth floor to walk on oth floor to walk on oth floor to walk on oth floor to walk on when e{egg} verything’s gone now there’s nothing mor {embryo} e to{scuttle}   //hing more to pa{pupa} //  pay here is a warm  {two-celled}  and cozy floor{four}  to walk on wh{embryo} en everything is gone then there’s nothing more to pay here is a rich soft carpe{larvae} ted floor to walk yes on when nothing’s lef  or so you thought t n {three-celled} ow there’s nothing more to pay here is {egg} a easy welcoming floor to walk on when e{larvae} verything is gone then there’s nothing {pupa}  more to pay her {single-celled}  e is an easy down{egg} hill{embryo}  road to walk on when ev {four} erything’s gone now there {scuttle}  ’s nothing more to pay Where is my Mother   out come from out come from so you’re the one eh eh eh  [[This way’s a road to “Nothingvilletmha ha ha ha]] so you’re the one bought the line what EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS IS RIGHT FOR YOU  I bet you  //hing more to pa{pupa} // even asked your Doctor eh eh eh eh h r  is a silky smo h r is a silky smo h r is a silky smo here is a silky smooth floor to walk on floor to walk on to walk on I bet you did (no you didn’t)  DID TOO! Ask your doctor if E or so you thought XPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS EXPERIMENT yes AL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  IS RIGHT FOR YOU  did you ask DID YOU ASK wel or so you thought l did you or not yes you did yes you did yes you did s yes you did {larvae} yes you did yes you did so h yes you did yes you did yes you EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR or so you though {pupa} t YOU  did s yes you did yes you did Wasn’t it?? yes you did so here you go eat this up eat this up eat this up o here you go eat this up eat thi yes s up eat this up ere or so you thought you go eat th r is a sil Where is my Mother out come from ky x smo h r is a silky smo h r  is a silky smooth floor to walk on floor to wa is up eat this up eat this up o here you go eat this up eat this up eat th {larvae} is up [[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS {egg}  was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]] //hing more to pa{pupa} //] [[[EXPE[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes] {pupa}]] [[[EXPERIM[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATIC or so you thought S was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]] [[[EXPE[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was R{larvae} IGHT FO{egg}  R yes YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]] [[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]]     or so you thought //hing more to pa{pupa} //

RIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought  yes]]]

ENTAL MATHEMAT yes ICS was RIGH{pupa} T FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought yes]]] Where is my Mother out come from RIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought yes]]]

//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pu//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pu//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pupa}  h ng yes m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p}

pa}  h ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p yes {p p}

 to pa{pupa}  h yes yes ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p}

pa}  h ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p} yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes  on when e{larvae} verything is gone then there’s nothing {pupa}  more to pay her {single-celled}  e is an easy down{egg} hill{embryo}  road to walk on when ev {four} erything’s gone now there {scuttle}  ’s nothing more to pay   so you’re the one eh eh eh  [[This way’s a road to “Nothingvilletmha ha ha ha]] so you’re the one bought the line what EXPERIMEN Where is my Mother TAL MATHEMATICS IS RIGHT FOR YOU  I bet you  //hing more to pa{pupa} // even asked your Doctor eh eh eh eh I bet you did (no you didn’t)  DID TOO! Ask your doctor if E or so you thought XPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS EXPERIMENT yes AL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  IS RIGHT FOR YOU  did you ask DID YOU ASK wel or so you thought l did you or not yes you did yes you did yes you did s yes you did {larvae} yes you did yes you did so h yes you did yes you did yes you EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR or so you though {pupa} t YOU  did s yes you did yes you did Wasn’t it?? yes you did so here you go eat this up eat this up eat this up o here you go eat this up eat thi yes s up eat this up ere or so you thought you g Where is my Mother out come from out come from out come from o eat this up eat this up eat this up o here you go eat this up eat this up eat th {larvae} is up [[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS {egg}  was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]] //hing more to pa{pupa} //] [[[EXPE[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes] {pupa}]] [[[EXPERIM[[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATIC or so you thought S was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]] [[[EXPE[[[EXPERIMENT Where is my out come from Mother out come from AL MATHEMATICS was R{larvae} IGHT FO{egg}  R yes YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]] [[[EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? yes]]]     or so you thought //hing more to pa{pupa} //

RIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought  yes]]]

ENTAL MATHEMAT yes ICS was RIGH{pupa} T FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought yes]]]

RIMENTAL MATHEMATICS was RIGHT FOR YOU  Wasn’t it?? or so you thought yes]]] Where is my Mother

//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pu//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pu//hing more to pa{pupa} //  hing more to pa{pupa}  h ng yes m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p}

pa}  h ng m r  to p {pu Where is my Mother out come from p } h  m r  p yes {p p}

 to pa{pupa}  h yes yes ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p}

pa}  h ng m r  to p {pup } h  m r  p {p p} yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Where is my Mother

Where is my Mother out come from out come from

Where is my Mother out come from

Where is my Mother my Mother my Mother

—Jim Meirose

Stephen Bett, excerpts from Novel Lines

Ravel’s Death Mask Digital Bricolage, Daniel Y. Harris   Jean Echenoz, Ravel (closing line; trans, Linda Coverdale) [Ravel] goes back to s...