Step-by-Step Self-regenerating Great Big Shoe Salesmens
Come press my head loud key to
hum up these talebones; little Chester is the discarded body part s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium
the truckers are the predators it was discarded because of s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium
s’splosionaria the rudimentary substitute salesman filling in for him is the
step-by step regenerating shoe salesman s’splosionaria bauble-butt s’spolsionarium
in each stage of regeneration what little Chester loses causes him more and more
impairment s’splosionaria so wise him s’spolsionarium wise him up s’spolsionarium
doll after all you are mom there how ‘bout we go at ten how’s that sound s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium
I’m going to the bathroom s’splosionaria and I s’splosionaria will most likely
s’spolsionarium bathroom the to going I’m s’splosionaria be a while s’spolsionarium
sound that how’s ten at go we ‘bout how s’spolsionarium the others see him one-arming
selling s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium superloud bassoonery s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium
asd a matter of fact that’s probably the right answer s’splosionaria bassoonery
off’n all bassoon-men’s bassoononium-iminalle temptette s’splosionaria why on s’spolsionarium
earth s’splosionaria the bassoon dear s’spolsionarium looks like this’s gonna work
out s’splosionaria s’splosionaria bassoon is not popular s’spolsionarium bassoon
is not popular but this’s gonna work out anyhoot big Slim s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium
out slim Lucy s’splosion s’spolsion s’splosion s’spolsionarium ah slim Lucy s’splosionaria
s’spolsionarium s’splosion s’spolsion-rarium looks like this’s gonna work out slim
Von-Lucy s’splosion s’splosionaria s’spolsion little Chester is the discarded
body part s’splosionaria racket s’spolsion keteer s’splosion eterring s’spolsionarium
racketeering his truckers are his predators he was discarded ‘cause of s’splo s’spolsionarium
s’splo s’spolsionarium the “rudimentary” racketeering-shoe-salesman filling in
for him s’splosionaria s’spol s’splo s’spolsionarium updeep! Updeep! This Baronessa
Von-Salesman of the known world ‘s filling in for him ‘ss the step-by step s’splosiaria
s’spolsionarium s’splosiaria s’spolsionari-con monkey-con monkey-um’s oh yes my
sweet prayer by all that’s this step-by-step self-regenerating
shoe salesman s’splos s’spolsion s’splosiona s’spolsionarium yah by-buh ‘ss
self-regenerating shoe salesman s-s-s-s’splosionaria yah ‘sss self-regenerating
shoe salesman s’spolsionarium ah yes this “rudimentary” substitute salesman filling
in for him is the step-by step self-regenerating shoe salesman themselves s’splosionaria
tic tic s’spolsionarium eck eck s’spolsionarium hey-hum
this process is dangerously low on memory this up from backhind my talebone—
Dukie! Hey, Dukie! Come down
here right now!
What the hell, wait a minute—where
you at?
In the cellar! Get down here!
For Christ’s sake, why?
That tank you brought down
here! Come see what’s in it!
Wait a minute!
Okay—Jesus! Hurry up! My God—
—s’splosion s’spolsion s’splosion
s’s ah oh ih up backhind my talebone up backhind my talebone time to a-s’splosionaria
evacuate b-s’spolsionarium evacuate c-s’splosionaria time-to d-s’spolsionarium and
this on top of the rapid over-decomposition of the dumping the filldirt
repeated phrase a b c d perhaps tease this in as the base
is teased out oh you kid s’splosionaria me s’spolsionarium them s’splosionaria
us s’spolsionarium as the base is teased out ess’splosionaria o oss’spolsionarium
h uss’splosionaria yo ass’spolsionarium is teased out come-com’ boffa la buffa s’splosionaria
u la s’spolsionarium kid lo s’splosionaria oh you kid lo be best s’spolsionarium
many evil living things are being forcibly s’splosionaria hop-s’spolsionarium froggy
s’splosionaria hop s’spolsionarium are being forcibly extincted down froggy-hop-ionaria
big-full-sweep-bonbon baby s’spolsionarium s’splosionaria forcibly extincted-down
in the s’splosionaria s’s’splosionaria this here damned process s’splosionaria yes
the process this or that process s’spolsionarium that s’splosionaria s’spolsionariusse
buh’ s’splosionariette each time s’spolsionario s’splosionarian s’spolsionarrrow-bam
s’splo’sizzlin’ from its beginning but starting partial s’spolsionarium starting
partial increasing each time s’spolsionarium s’splosionaria increasing each
time by an amount leading s’spolsionarium s’splosionaria s’spolsionarium s’splosionaria
an amount leading to s’spolsion-s’splosion big-boom s’spolsionarium’s gaseous aortic
dizzi-diz-ssection soon the bombers s’spolsionarium s’spolsionairre bombers
will be directly s’spl-diplo-s’po directly over head so diplo up the whole thing
being stated from s’spolsionarium so hurry up s’spolsionarium
hurry-up s’spolsionarium s’spolsionarium stated from the beginning big-s’spolsionarium
big-s’splosionaria-pat pat pat t’ de’ end after the “dumping the filldirts”
reduces these s’spolsionariums and s’splosionarias down quiet down quiet such that
then “dumping the filldirts” reduces this s’splosionaria and the inevitably following
s’spolsionariums which may manifest multiply to end after the “dumping the filldirts”
reduces to zero every single and double-la’ multiple ex, God willing, to a simple
single chambered s’splosionarette fated to end after the “dumping the filldirts”
reduce to zero ah to end after the “dumping the filldirts” to end reduce to zero
ah ah end to end after the after “dumping the filldirts” the “dumping the filldirts”
at last silently slowly stopped ah ah exactly just under low zero as per extensive
computation led all but one of us to believe.
Step back, yes.
Double life****
Hows your husband? Still out of town?